
Aegis of Empires Adventure Path for 5E, Pathfinder 1E and 2E

Created by Legendary Games

A 600-page 6-part Adventure Path for D+D 5E, Pathfinder 1st Edition, & Pathfinder 2nd Edition, set in the epic Lost Lands of adventure

Latest Updates from Our Project:

End of September News Flashes
over 4 years ago – Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 12:49:10 AM

Hi all, time for updates at the end of the month! 

1.  Adventure #4: Our layout artist is back from vacation and working on getting the Pathfinder Second Edition version of adventure #4 finalized, along with the Art and Map Folio for that adventure. It should be ready pretty soon.

2.  Adventure #5: I have a couple of map corrections to get finalized on adventure #5, but the initial layout pass for it is done. It should be a relatively quick turnaround so we look forward to getting that one in your hands not too long after the last version of #4 is complete.

3.  Adventure #6: It's in pretty much the same position as adventure #5. Initial layout for the first version is done. There are some map checks and corrections to make and a final cross-check once layout is finished, but we're definitely sitting pretty as far as progress. 

4.  Compilation: Obviously our focus is on making sure you get each of the individual adventures so you have the full sweep of the AP ready to play in PDF. Once 5 and 6 are completed, we'll be diving into the full-on compilation so we can that set up and ready for you in print! 

5.  Fantasy Grounds Update: The modules for the first adventure have started going on sale at Fantasy Grounds and people who have pledged for them have not gotten theirs yet! In conversations with the folks at FG, they've said their system is not well set up for "steady drip" release of each module to each customer as it comes out, so what we'll be doing is this:

- All three versions of Adventure #1 and the Player's Guide are in the system.

- We've just uploaded the first of the three versions of Adventure #2, the Pathfinder 1E version. 

- By the upcoming weekend, FG says they should be able to push those items out to all backers who have preordered. 

- Our FG developer is expecting their baby this weekend, so there will be an understandable interruption in their progress on the other two versions (currently the 5E version is about 2/3 done and the PF2E version about 1/3 done). 

- Once they are back and rolling, they will complete adventure #2 and #3, and we'll do a "midpoint" release of those FG versions.

- Then there will be one more final FG release once adventures 4, 5, and 6 are all done. 

Apologies for the delay but welcome to the world Baby FG Developer and all the best to the family. This is baby #2 for them, so hopefully they'll be able to get back into the swing of things more quickly than a rookie in the dad game! 

6.  VTT Tokens: October is upon us, so we're looking forward to starting work on our VTT tokens. We had to wait for a spot on the schedule and ours is supposed to be coming up in October, so I'll keep you apprised as that moves along. 

Legend of the Burning Star (PF1 and 5E) is here!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 12:17:03 AM

The latest adventure is here for Aegis of Empires! Over 100 pages of investigative action across the Northmarches and on the trail of a truly legendary treasure! 

All 5E and PathfinderRPGbackers can download the new adventure from Backerkit right now! Alas, our Pathfinder Second Edition backers will have to wait a little bit longer. Our layout guy is heading out on a long-awaited vacation and we thought we'd be able to get the PF2 version finished up before he left but it's not quite there. He'll finish the layout on that version and the Art and Map Folios when he returns, so those should be available around the end of September/beginning of October. 

Back on Track!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 01:42:31 PM

Hi all, 

After a jam-packed August of some family situations and related travel plus doing the physical fulfillment of over half a thousand books from our Ultimate Kingdoms project, we are back on track with Aegis of Empires! 

1.  We've just uploaded the PDF of bonus adventure Cold Mountain for Pathfinder Second Edition. It was the last straggler in the door of the free bonus adventures, so backers for all systems should now have the PDFs for all four extra adventures! If you're a PF2 backer, head over to Backerkit and it should be in your downloads.

2.  We likewise have received the final PF2 manuscript for adventure #4 Legend of the Burning Star. That version of the adventure should be starting layout next week and once it's ready we'll release all three versions of adventure #4.

3.  Fantasy Grounds files for adventure #1 are still cycling through the approvals system at Smiteworks. With so many people playing via VTT these days, they're slammed and it's taking longer than expected to get things finalized, but we'll let you know once they go live. The FG files for adventure #2 are nearly done for one version and in progress on the other two.

4.  Our token artist's work slot in October is coming up soon so we're looking forward to getting our VTT token packs moving with them. 

5.  We've been doing some map revisions on some of the later adventures, and those are coming along nicely. In the earlier adventures, we've also moved information on cities and countries into the appendices, but we are considering when we create the compilation version of moving the city information back into the flow of each individual adventure, so that it's foregrounded in the place where you encounter it rather than it being a reference chapter at the end of the book. If you've got thoughts on ease of use of one way versus the other, let us know in the comments below!

The waterfall city of Dun Eamon

6.  Last but not least, we've been taking advantage of some of the extra time working on other things to order additional artwork for the deluxe compilation version of the adventure, over and above what we funded in the Kickstarter. One of those delightful things you'll meet in the adventure path is below, courtesy of Michael Jaecks

Something you definitely don't want to meet in a dark alley... so you meet him somewhere else instead!

Thanks for your support of this project and we look forward to getting you the remaining adventures ASAP! 

Art and Map Folio for Chapter 3 is up! Plus missing orders!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Aug 08, 2020 at 01:39:26 AM

Hi all,

Just a quick note to let you know I've uploaded the Art and Map Folio for Chapter 3 to all Backerkit orders getting the full adventure path. You should be able to download it now under the download rules AE3 5E, AE3 PF1, or AE3 PF2. I also attempted to re-tag the actual PDFs for chapter 3 with those same download rules, but I'm not 100% sure if it worked. They may be listed instead under Aegis of Empires 5E, Aegis of Empires PF2, or Aegis of Empires (with no suffix for PF1).

I also got a number of messages Friday about people not being able to see their downloads. It looks like between the last time I had checked Backerkit and when I did the update we had about 30 new returned surveys and preorders, and those orders had not yet been "locked." The Backerkit system does not send out files until orders are locked and cards charged for any add-ons. Even if you didn't add anything, it still waits for the locking step to verify that you aren't going to add anything more. 

I've processed those orders, locking and charging (though 4 came back with errors and the system will retry them in a few days), so any of the folks in that group should now be able to access their downloads through the Backerkit system. Check and see if your files are now available to you and let me know if you're still having any trouble! 

When Comes the Moon is here for YOU! And The Book in the Old House is everywhere!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Aug 08, 2020 at 12:06:51 AM

Hi everybody, 

We are delighted to debut the third adventure in the Aegis of Empires saga, as we've just sent out links through Backerkit for When Comes the Moon

This adventure really takes your heroes to the heights of madness and murder most malevolent, and we're excited to get it into your hands! We're addressing an issue with one of the map graphic files so the Art and Map Folio isn't up yet but we'll be sending that along ASAP. 

Meanwhile, we are excited to launch the Aegis of Empires Adventure Path to EVERYONE starting today! The Player'sGuideand all three versions of The Book in the Old House are now live and ready for purchase at the Legendary Games webstore, DrivethruRPG, and as soon as they get processed through the system at, Amazon,and the Open Gaming Store! By all means, let your friends and fellow gamers know so they can get in on the fun as well!