
Aegis of Empires Adventure Path for 5E, Pathfinder 1E and 2E

Created by Legendary Games

A 600-page 6-part Adventure Path for D+D 5E, Pathfinder 1st Edition, & Pathfinder 2nd Edition, set in the epic Lost Lands of adventure

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit tech issues being resolved
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jul 07, 2020 at 12:35:06 AM

Hi all,

Just a quick update on Backerkit. I wasn't able to resolve our tech issues with it before a family visit all last week from my elderly dad which ended up consuming pretty much 24/7 work time. He's returned home and work is pulling back into focus. I tried again today to get the Backerkit interface with Stripe (the payment processing) working and I'm still having trouble with it. Troubleshooting continues, so apologies for the delay; using this system has definitely had a steeper learning curve than expected vs. our old DIY system. We'll get it out ASAP. 

On the plus side, I believe we now have one of the last of our new art pieces in, this time for a certain villainous character sure to chill your heroes' bones (or grind them to bake his bread; not sure which)! 

Backerkit nearly ready for review!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 09:08:02 PM

Hi all, 

I've been working on our Backerkit survey this past week and we are almost ready to send it out, pending resolution of a couple of technical issues I've emailed the Backerkit team for help in resolving. We'll be setting up a preorder store as well, so if you have friends who missed the Kickstarter by all means let them know when it's up so we can get even more folks on board with this amazing adventure saga! 

As far as the adventures themselves:

  • Proofing is final and layout is complete on all three versions of The Book in the Old House and the Player's Guide, so both are ready to send out any time. 
  • The Ebon Soul's final passes are likewise complete except for a few map fixes. Once those get back from the cartographer, it'll be ready for release as well. 
  • When Comes the Moon is in final proofing now, with the second-half adventures ready to follow soon. 
  • The bonus adventures are getting some updated layout (a couple had never been prepped for print before), but should be ready shortly. Print versions will ship when other print books do in the fall.
  • Cold Mountain for Pathfinder Second Edition is the only one of the bonus adventures that is still in development. All of the others are complete and ready. PDFs will be sent out after the survey period closes and we *should* have this adventure done by then as well, but if there's a delay we'll send out the ones ready and add that in once it's ready to go.

Last but not least, we are working on bringing Aegis of Empires to the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop system. We didn't offer it during the Kickstarter, because we never want to offer something we aren't 100% sure we can fulfill, but things are moving forward and we'll keep you up to date on their availability as they go through the system at FG. 

If you know anyone who's skilled with the Roll20 interface and would be interested in helping to get these adventures up and available there too, by all means please send them our way! 

Thanks and I look forward to sending out the surveys this week! 

Backerkit in progress!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 03:08:32 AM

Hi all,

We've been working hard on finalizing things, doing a few last-minute map corrections and cross-checking our references and such. The Pathfinder Second Edition version of adventure #6 is heading to layout this week, meaning the only adventure still in the editing/development stage is adventure #5 for DnD 5E, and we thought we'd share one of the new art pieces that recently was completed for that adventure! 

Fight in the Strip Mine by Tyler Clark

Meanwhile, my priority project for this week is setting up our Backerkit survey system to enable late pledges, add-ons, getting extra editions of the game, and more! It's my first time using this interface (we've always done our own spreadsheets and invoices before) so there's a bit of a learning curve, but I'm getting it pulled together.

The base adventure books and such are easy enough, but I'm still working out the pricing on the print versions of Greg's Handbook and the Art and Map Folio, as the page counts on those are kind of fluid at the moment. We might delay adding those into the survey until we get those finalized.

We will be doing a second-phase Backerkit push anyway near the time of shipping so that we can add shipping at the time we are actually ready to do it. Shipping costs can vary with time, so we want to make sure our shipping charges are accurate.

I hope to have the Backerkit survey ready for you by the end of the week, and meanwhile offer our continual thanks for making this project so successful! 

884 backers!!!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Jun 07, 2020 at 12:43:09 PM

Thank you all for your amazing support. I've been baking some victory cookies. I'd share them with you but alas, Kickstarter prevents us from sending food! You can enjoy how pretty they are, though! 

Seriously, we appreciate each and every one of you, with a special tip of the cap to fgsheajr, who got in at the literal LAST SECOND to grab a copy of the Player's Guide. Hopefully once our Backerkit is up and ready he'll have the chance to trade up and grab a copy of the big book! 

Even though the Kickstarter has ended, with our highest dollar figure of any of our 11 Kickstarters, we are more than happy to take late pledges from anyone who might have missed the project while it was live. We're going to take a well-deserved break this weekend (though our artists and layout folks continue to work on their side), but we'll start getting our Backerkit together over the next few weeks to send out to all of you. If you want to get add-ons for different systems, for print versions of the Art and Map Companion, Player's Guide, the companion adventures, Greg's Design Guide, or for the Gothic Campaign Compendium (we've had about 15 claimed so far, so we still have some left!), and we look forward to getting the Player's Guide and the first adventures up and ready for you starting in July or August, with a plan to release two adventures per month (along with the companion bonus adventures), with the compilation version coming this fall, probably around November! 

We're super-excited to bring you this fantastic adventure saga and hope you have as much reading, running, and playing it as we did making it! Have a Legendary weekend everybody, thank you for climbing aboard, and get ready for an amazing adventure! 

Just over a minute to go!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Jun 07, 2020 at 01:01:59 AM

Who will be the last backer?