
Aegis of Empires Adventure Path for 5E, Pathfinder 1E and 2E

Created by Legendary Games

A 600-page 6-part Adventure Path for D+D 5E, Pathfinder 1st Edition, & Pathfinder 2nd Edition, set in the epic Lost Lands of adventure

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit at 80% and final details coming!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 11:00:45 AM

Hi all,

Thanks to all of the 80% of our backers for their prompt return of their Backerkit surveys! We are still on target for locking surveys at midnight on July 31st, at which point all pledges will be finalized. You'll still be able to go in and edit your email, address, or other fulfillment details, of course. I've set up the PDFs for all projects completed so far in Backerkit, so once surveys are locked and cards charged, all of those PDFs should go out directly from here. We'll still be posting things to our Dropbox as well. This is our first time using Backerkit, so there could be kinks or glitches along the way, but so far everything looks great and should make for very smooth fulfillment. 

One of our backers emailed me yesterday to point out that there's a missing element in Backerkit, and that is VTT pawn sets! That's totally correct and in all the rush dealing with other parts of the project I totally lost track of that part. I've gotten some recommendations on vendors for VTT pawns and I'm reaching out to those folks about pricing, time required, and the logistics of putting those pawn sets together so we can set a fair and reasonable price for the VTT asset add-on package. I'm hopeful we'll get it set up before Backerkit closes, so keep an eye on our announcements if that's something you'd like to add.

We're also getting our Player's Guide and the first adventures going on Fantasy Grounds. Whether we'll be able to offer that as part of the Backerkit is up in the air, but we'll let you know as soon as we have a final answer on that.

Thanks again for your awesome support, and by all means please share the link for our Preorder Store with friends and fellow gamers you think might be interested.

PS - We're sending out ads for it soon, and we'd also love some testimonials from folks who are already enjoying the first fruits of our project - just a sentence or two about how much you are liking what you see!  You can post them in the comments below or send them over via Kickstarter messaging, or post them on your own social media and link us #LegendaryGames ( on FB or @LegendaryGamesJ on Twitter (

Backerkit surveys sent to all backers!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 01:19:46 AM

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder to check your email inbox (and potentially your Spam folder, if you don't see it in your regular inbox), because Backerkit surveys have now been sent to everyone!

1.  If you've already pledged for more than one system (and emailed us about it), you should be able to select the additional versions you want to receive now. Amounts previously pledged should be counted towards the total amount due, with shipping charges added based on the total number of books ordered (since shipping costs escalate based on weight).

2.  If you didn't pledge for an additional system but you want to do so now, go for it! 

3.  If you initially pledged at the PDF level but would like to order print books, you must first upgrade your pledge to one of the print options (5E, PF1, or PF2) as your new base pledge, and then you can get additional add-on print options for other systems. 

4.  Last but not least, please share the link for the Preorder Store for Aegis of Empires: If you've got a gamer friend who missed the Kickstarter, this is their chance to climb on board and grab a piece of this incredible adventure saga! 

Thanks to all of you and I look forward to receiving your surveys! 

Please complete surveys by July 31st! 

The Ebon Soul is here!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 08:56:39 PM

Adventure #2 in the Aegis of Empires Adventure Path is up in our Dropbox folder, ready for you to download! Head to the same link you used to download the first adventure and Player's Guide for your chosen system and grab your copy now! 

Now you may notice that this is the same art we had originally put in as a placeholder for adventure #2. We did order a new cover piece but after looking at how that scene came back from the artist, we decided we actually liked this one better and went ahead and kept this one in place instead. Sometimes art is like that, and hey, if it works, IT WORKS! 

We're happy to announced that adventure #3 - When Comes the Moon - is just about ready to go; we are just waiting for some last-minute map corrections. Once those are in, we'll be ready to unleash that one as well! We had planned to release just the first two adventures in July, but if #3 is ready to rock then far be it from me to pump the brakes! 

Finally, after a great deal of technical wrangling we've got our Backerkit situation sorted out. We sent out our "smoke test" to 40ish of our backers to check and make sure everything was working. Over 50% have already replied and things look like they're in good shape. The system requests that we wait 24 hours after the smoke test before sending out the survey, so later tonight or tomorrow we'll be ready to fire it up live to everyone! We look forward to your response with all necessary information for your original pledge, plus any additional items you decide to add on! We look forward to getting your responses as soon as possible so we can assemble our email list to send out copies through DrivethruRPG for both your initial pledge system and any additional items you add to your pledge! Plus, once our Backerkit goes live we can post it up for preorders for people who missed the initial Kickstarter! 

Thanks for supporting the Aegis of Empires project and happy reading for The Ebon Soul!

"Smoke Test" sent for Backerkit!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 04:23:34 PM

Hi all,

It took longer than expected, but looks like we've got everything ironed out with our Backerkit survey. We've sent out what they call a "smoke test," which is essentially just sending the survey out to 5% of our backers to have them give it a look, make their replies, and make sure everything makes sense. Once we've given this first run of backers a chance to reply and make sure there are no more quirks to fix, we'll be sending out the survey to everyone and even opening up the project for preorders for people who missed the original Kickstarter.

Check your inbox and if you got one of the preliminary surveys, by all means fill it out and send it on back ASAP so we can make sure everything is running smoothly! 


1.  If you originally pledged for a non-print pledge and you've decided you want to get a print book (or several) after all, great! Before you can do any print "add-ons," first upgrade your pledge to one of the print options. That sets you new baseline pledge to that print version. After that is done, you'll be able to add any further add-ons you like, including other print books as well as other PDFs.

2.  If you are one of the handful of people who let me know you were mistakenly already charged for shipping during the Kickstarter, email me directly at [email protected] and we can set up either a refund or a store credit at the Legendary Games webstore. In the survey, go ahead and complete it as directed, as if you had not already paid for shipping. 

3.  We got the final map corrections in for adventure #2 and layout is working on that now, so we should be sending out the next adventure this week! 

I'm excited to get the process rolling for all of you and appreciate all of your amazing support! 

Happy Birthday!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 08:19:51 AM

Hi all,

I've just sent out download links for all backers for the Aegis of Empires Adventure Path at our Dropbox. This is the same link you'll use each time we release new material.

Right now, your folder includes the following for your primary system of choice:

- Aegis of Empires Player's Guide

- Aegis of Empires #1: The Book in the Old House

- Your bonus adventure PDFs

We'll be getting our email lists collated and will be sending out copies through DrivethruRPG as well. If you backed for more than one version, we'll be sending out links for other systems once we get our Backerkit issues sorted out and get everyone's surveys tracked to make sure you get everything you backed for. 

We just wanted to make sure we got your #1 choice files starting NOW! It's my birthday today, but I wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO *YOU* and thanks for making this project a reality! 

PS - Adventures #2 and #3 are getting their final map corrections done now, and we should have those to you in July as well!