
Aegis of Empires Adventure Path for 5E, Pathfinder 1E and 2E

Created by Legendary Games

A 600-page 6-part Adventure Path for D+D 5E, Pathfinder 1st Edition, & Pathfinder 2nd Edition, set in the epic Lost Lands of adventure

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Orders locked, Backerkit emails sent, downloads available!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 05:35:38 AM

Hi all, 

Orders were locked in Backerkit and download codes were emailed! You should be able to get all of your files for all PDFs available so far, with instructions on how to download them from the Backerkit site. If you're getting multiple files, the system should compile all of your notifications into a single email.

As new PDFs are completed, we'll be able to upload them and send you notification emails to get your new ones each time we complete them! Adventure #3 When Comes the Moon is just waiting for some new map export files to come back from the cartographer and it'll be ready to go! 

We still have 76 people who did not complete their backer survey. Some of those are $1 backers who were just coming by to throw their support, but if you've got a standard pledge you won't be able to download your items aside from your initial pledge until the survey is filled out. We also had 17 backers whose orders errored out for some reason; the system should have sent you an email when we locked orders letting you know that there was a problem with your survey. 

If you happen to move or other information changes, you can still change that in Backerkit. Given the speed we're churning through layout, I'm confident we'll still be on track for shipment of books on or before November. 

Happy reading to everyone, thanks for your amazing support, and have at truly Legendary weekend! 

Cold Mountain (PF2) is off to layout!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 05:57:28 PM

Hi all,

We had one malingering adventure out there from our bonus adventure pack that we had to reassign, and I just received Cold Mountain for Pathfinder Second Edition in my inbox from the new developer today. I gave it a final pass and sent it off to layout, so it should be ready to go soon and added to your layout queues for those of you that ordered the PF2 version of Aegis of Empires

As for the rest of you... the clock is ticking! We have only 79 of our backers who have not yet responded to their backer surveys! If that's you, get going and get it in!!!

Fantasy Grounds Modules Now Available!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 02:42:04 PM

Hi all,

Sorry for the delay but needed to tweak a few things this morning, but Fantasy Grounds files are up and available now in Backerkit

You can get the complete Aegis of Empires Adventure Path, including all six adventures and the Player's Guide, at the special backer price of just $50! In addition, you can get Fantasy Grounds modules for D&D 5E, Pathfinder 1st Edition, and Pathfinder 2nd Edition

The Player's Guide and the first adventure, The Book in the Old House, will both be available for download in early August, with the remaining adventures coming your way soon as we get them pushed through the system! 

Don't forget about yesterday's new addition of the VTT Pawn Set (which also includes high-res map pack). We're excited to get these items locked and loaded and ready to go for you to enjoy this awesome adventure path in the midst of social distancing! Spread the word and I look forward to getting these adventures to you soon! 

VTT Pawns Add-On is Live!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 01:07:09 PM

Hi all,

Thanks so much for your awesome responses. We have fewer than 100 backers who have not yet returned their surveys. If that's you, please send it in! We can't send you your rewards if we don't know where you are! We would really like to lock our surveys after midnight on Friday the 31st, so we're looking for a final push to get things done!  

With that out of the way, we have news:

1.  VTT Assets: Our VTT Pawn Set is now live as an add-on in Backerkit, just $20 for over 200 pawns plus our high-res map sets, all of them usable with your favorite VTT. The maps will be finalized starting in August. The pawns will take some time to get done, but our pawn creator is estimating he should be able to get them done in October, possibly stretching into November depending on the final number we need.

2.  Fantasy Grounds: We'll be ready to post up our Fantasy Grounds add-on tomorrow, and we have triple the good news, because while we originally thought we might only be able to offer FG modules for D&D 5E, it looks like we also will be able to offer them for both Pathfinder 1st Edition and 2nd Edition! We'll be able to offer these at a discount compared to the final retail price, but there is no additional no discount for ordering the modules for more than one system. 

We're excited to get those finalized and up and out to you, but you can go into Backerkit now and place your add-on order to get your pawns right now! 

One week to go to finalize Backerkit!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 03:59:24 AM

Hi all, in honor of the retirement of the Boeing 747 airliner, it was a funny coincidence that thus far we have exactly 747 backers who have completed their backer surveys! Thanks so much to each and every one of you! Of course, that means we are still missing 138 surveys, so please get those in ASAP! 

By far the most popular add-on thus far has been the print version of the Aegis of Empires Player's Guide. We'll be delighted to include those with many of your pledges (with some folks ordering multiple copies to hand out at their tables).

I'm working through the spreadsheet with our VTT pawn-maker to see how many custom pawns will be needed to create a pawn set for you, but I think we should be able to get it sorted in time to post up the VTT pawns add-on next week before we lock down surveys. 

I'm still waiting to hear back from our friends at Fantasy Grounds to see whether we'll be able to offer those modules directly as part of Backerkit; we'll keep you posted on that. We are pretty sure that you'll be able to get at least The Book in the Old House (all three versions) and the Player's Guide on Fantasy Grounds in August even if you are not able to order it through Backerkit here. 

Thanks for your support of this project, and please do help spread the word about our preorder store for Aegis of Empires so other fans can get in on the fun!