
Aegis of Empires Adventure Path for 5E, Pathfinder 1E and 2E

Created by Legendary Games

A 600-page 6-part Adventure Path for D+D 5E, Pathfinder 1st Edition, & Pathfinder 2nd Edition, set in the epic Lost Lands of adventure

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final reminder to lock addresses!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 12:29:53 AM

Hi all, 

We've sent out our final notice for locking addresses via Backerkit. If you've moved or need an alternate destination for your printed materials, please make sure to check your address and make any needed corrections. Addresses will lock in 48 hours and we'll start sending out rewards for D&D 5E and Pathfinder RPG. Pledges including the Pathfinder Second Edition version will be sent out once that third compilation is ready. 

We're very excited to have these books ready to start heading your way! 

5E Compilation layout complete and review pass done! Plus a new monster book!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 06:35:04 PM

Hi all,

I've spent most of today going through the whopping 646-page Aegis of Empires Adventure Path (5E) and rooting out every little errant comma, missing italics, incorrect bolding, or misdirected page number, but it's headed back to layout tonight (well, tomorrow for our UK-based layout artist) and should be ready for you maybe as soon as this weekend. 

  • I'll be out of town camping Sunday through Tuesday, so it might arrive back while I'm out of internet coverage. If it comes in by Sunday morning before I leave, I'll get it out to you then; if not, I'll send it when I return! 
  • I'm delighted to have this version just about finished, and we'll be turning our attention to the final version for Pathfinder Second Edition! 
  • REMINDER: CHECK YOUR ADDRESSES IN BACKERKIT! We are getting ready to send the print copies of the compilations and the bonus items that go along with them and we want to make sure they get safely to you, so please double check. We'll send out a confirmation message next Wednesday, which is the 48-hour "lock addresses" email. After that, mailing addresses will be locked in and we will start shipping! 
  • And with this project nearly in the bag, we wanted to share with you our current Quickstarter campaign, Asian Monsters
Already at nearly 500 backers and over 16x funded in just over 24 hours!
  • This year, we've been producing a series of short softcover bestiaries, including Mythos Monsters, Sea Monsters, and now Asian Monsters (with Latin American Monsters coming soon)! Layout is complete and we are doing final editorial review this week on Asian Monsters so that it will be ready for immediate PDF fulfillment as soon as the Kickstarter ends on July 2nd. We're also exporting print review files so we can send those to our printer and expedite that process and minimize the time lag for printing and shipping books to us so we can get them back out to you! 
  • Researched and developed with a diverse team of authors, artists, and cultural consultants, you'll find an awesome array of enemies and allies from the folklore of Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Tibet, and Vietnam, as well as nations of the western Pacific like Indonesia, Australia, and the Philippines, beautifully illustrated and ready to unleash in your DnD 5E campaign. From minor menaces like the kyeryong and kappa to gargantuan sea monsters and kaiju, restless dead like the gwishin, gaki, jiang-shi, and manananggal, fey kami and nats, celestial kirin and komainu, fiendish asuras and oni, you'll find killer creatures to challenge any hero! Check it out right here and by all means help like, share, and comment on social media if you can!
  • PS - While we hope our 5E fans check out Asian Monsters, fans of all three systems will be intrigued by our next project: Boricubos: The Lost Isles and Latin American Monsters - which we're creating for DnD 5E, Pathfinder RPG, and Pathfinder Second Edition - with layout for two versions of Boricubos already complete well in advance of project launch (and separate layout artists working on the two books to minimize potential delays). 

5E Compilation layout complete, now in final review! Time to lock addresses soon!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 08, 2021 at 01:22:25 AM

Hi all,

Just wanted to give you a quick update that the 5E version of the compilation is on my desktop as we speak, and I'm through the prologue and first two adventures in doing my final review! Current page count is 642 pages! Not surprising that this version would be longer than the Pathfinder version, as it includes many more new monsters and magic items in the appendices (as many of them were converted from monsters and items that exist in the Pathfinder core rules). The Pathfinder Second Edition version should end up at a similar length for the same reason. 

We're excited to keep moving along. We've only seen a few errors in the PF1 version and those have been fixed, so we'll be resubmitting to the printer and exporting a corrected version for your downloads soon. Once that is uploaded and passed through approvals at the printer, we'll be ready to start sending out books to you! Which brings us to a bit of formal work, namely...


Backerkit allows you to edit your address up until the point we are getting ready to start shipping. That time is now! If you have moved or switched addresses for any reason since last summer's Kickstarter, please update your address in Backerkit ASAP. We'll send out another reminder via Kickstarter update next week and then we'll send out the final "Lock Addresses Reminder" via Backerkit. At that point, you'll have 48 hours to make any corrections to your address. 

If your address hasn't changed, I'd still strongly advise you to check Backerkit to make sure there are no typos in your information that might potentially cause your book to get delayed or misdirected. If it's all as it should be, you don't need to do anything but wait for your book to arrive! 


We'll be shipping books directly from the printer. If you are getting more than one version of the book, we'll ship all of them together. We'll start shipping the Pathfinder 1E-only pledges first, since that is the book that will be finalized at the printer first, but the 5E book should be finalized pretty soon. We'll post the PDF for you and give a short window in case anyone finds a mistake before we submit the final version for print, and then start sending out the 5E-only and PF1+5E pledges. The PF2 version will get rolling as soon as we finish up the 5E version and the process will continue with that, including sending combo pledges that include the PF2 version once that version is ready. 

We're excited to get these beautiful books in your hands and hope you love them when they arrive! 

Aegis of Empires Adventure Path for Pathfinder RPG is up!
over 3 years ago – Mon, May 24, 2021 at 11:12:50 PM

Thanks to all of you for your patience! The 604-page PDF compilation version is now live and ready for you on Backerkit. I've uploaded it and send out Backerkit downloads to everyone to download on their system. Let me know if you have trouble receiving it. I believe the D&D 5E version is the next one in the layout queue and work is underway! A few quick notes:

1.  We will hold off for a short period before sending to the printers just in case you find any glitches that slipped past us. We have spent a lot of time going over this document, but a thousand pairs of eyes beats a few any day so let us know in the comments below if anything is missing. That way we can make sure to correct anything out of place before we go to print. 

2.  Greg is also giving it his final review, so we might revise the table of contents if he wants to provide even more detail there. 

3.  There is a hyperlink in the sidebar on page 9 that is not live yet. Greg is assembling a fan-published, non-copyrighted document that we'll be posting up with advice for how to integrate Aegis of Empires with official published campaign settings. Because this refers explicitly to other companies' IP, it has to be done as a separate free, fan-based document, not part of anything commercial. It should be up soon and we'll send out an update once it's ready.

That's it for now. Dig in and happy reading, and we'll get the 5E and PF2 compilations out the door coming soon! 

Pathfinder Compilation on final approach
over 3 years ago – Thu, May 20, 2021 at 05:07:27 PM

Hi all,

I've reviewed the revised version of the PF1 Aegis of Empires Adventure Path and it looks great, clocking in at exactly 600 pages! The last piece to assemble is the Table of Contents, which will be substantial. We are trying out some different designs for the front and back cover but we should be on track to get the PDF out to you this weekend! Meanwhile... the back cover text for the compilation! 


A Legendary Epic!

Strange things are afoot in a ramshackle house in the back streets of Eber, but the heroes who pull that first thread will find murder, mayhem, monsters, mystery, and magic aplenty in this massive adventure series from award-winning author Greg A. Vaughan and his talented team! Eldritch tomes hold ancient secrets better left forgotten, as sinister cults, secret guilds, and malevolent masterminds weave a continent-spanning conspiracy that threatens doom for all. Ancient enemies will rise and a legacy of sorrow and betrayal bears bitter fruit, but the lure of fortune and glory draws the heroes ever onward in a breathless race against time and rival forces, with redemption and cataclysm balanced on the edge of a knife and the fate of untold thousands at stake. The elder empires do not rest easy, and you must decide whether their restless slumber awakens into a dream or a nightmare.

The Aegis of Empires Adventure Path is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure saga for taking characters all the way to 17th level, from gritty urban adventure, chilling mysteries, epic wilderness journeys, and fabulous lost cities ranging across the length and breadth of the spectacular Lost Lands Campaign Setting. This rich and exciting world 20 years in the making has been home to dozens of adventures from Necromancer Games and Frog God Games and produced with their cooperation to be compatible with The World of the Lost Lands campaign guide! It is the final adventure in the Aegis of Empires Adventure Path, with each adventure exploring hitherto unexplored areas of the Lost Lands with a combination of horror, intrigue, deadly danger, and the lure of ancient mysteries.

While designed for use with the Lost Lands, these adventures are loosely connected rather than following a strictly controlled plotline, enabling you to easily place them into any campaign world. Your heroes can explore at their own pace to discover the secrets of antiquity or be consumed in their seeking as they brave the dark paths of the Aegis of Empires. Grab this fantastic 600-page adventure saga for the 1st Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game today and Make Your Game Legendary!